Thursday, September 13, 2018

Tux x Ellie Puppies - Week Six

The puppies have had a great week.  They were introduced to new equipment in their pen and have met lots of new visitors.  The weather has been really nice so their space includes the indoor pen and an outdoor pen that we have set up for them.  It's a true delight watching them explore new things and adjust to different sounds like lawnmowers and planes flying overhead.  Unusual footing, things to climb over and go under and through even water have been experienced.

 The adventure box continues to be a big hit with the puppies.  They enjoy experiencing the different items that hang from it and it offers the puppies another opportunity for desensitization to mild stressors and further sensory enrichment.
We've had a lot of people come by to help socialize the puppies.  It's a lovely time for visiting as the pups aren't biting quite as hard as they will be in the weeks to come.  Ellie enjoys meeting new people and appreciates the extra attention that the visitors are always happy to give her.

 Frequent updates and photos are posted on our Northrock Barbets Facebook Page if you would like to follow the litter's progress.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Tux x Ellie Puppies - Week Five

Jasper says hello!
What a wonderful week it has been with the Tux and Ellie puppies.  They are curious and delightful pups and although it is a lot of work and I've not slept through the night in weeks it is immensely rewarding watching them grow and develop into little dogs. 
The puppy pen later in the 5th week after the whelping box had been removed

Their puppy pen has continued to expand and evolve as new items are added.  CD's of different sounds such as fireworks, farm animals and thunderstorms are played on a regular basis for the puppies so as to habituate them to different noises.  Of course being situated on the main floor of the home, right next to the kitchen they hear a lot of household noises like oven timers going off, the dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, t.v. and radio which plays different types of music.  With it being summer time, windows are open and sounds like the lawnmower and power tools float in from outside.  Our home backs onto an elementary school yard so the sounds of playing children and school bells are a regular occurrence now that classes have resumed for the year.  

Ellie is a gentle and loving mama and enjoys playing with her puppies.

The puppies are handled quite a bit every day - which is no hardship for us humans.  We love to cuddle with the pups and they enjoy the attention just as much as we do.  Toenails continue to be trimmed every three days to keep them smooth and short so as not to cause discomfort to Ellie who is still nursing them.

We've also started  taking the puppies outside which is an added experience for the little ones.  They have an outdoor puppy pen with various types of equipment in it for them to enjoy but they also have regular excursions into the main yard to run on the grass and in the flower beds and investigate.  In the weeks ahead we will be sharing a lot more outdoor photos of the puppies.
A favourite photo of Ellie and her daughter Ruby

 Frequent updates and photos are posted on our Northrock Barbets Facebook Page if you would like to follow the litter's progress.