Celebrating show ring success for CH Barbevoix Oscar de Northrock (Northrock's All Night Boogie ex Barbevoix Spezia dit Holala). Yesterday at the Elora Gorge Kennel Club Show, and at the Southwestern Ontario All Retriever Society Specialty Show, Oscar was Best of Opposite Sex and Best Puppy in Breed under judges Geraldine Taylor and Brenda Wilson respectively. Today judge Lee Steves also gave him BOS and Best Puppy in Breed, he then went on to win Best Puppy in Sporting Group under judge Geraldine Taylor. Thank you to these judges for appreciating our young puppy. At the Barbet Fanciers Association of Ontario Specialty today, Oscar was Best In Specialty and Best Puppy in Specialty! Our sincere appreciation to judge Wendy Maisey for the honour. Congratulations to all the other winners. Much gratitude to Peter Scott for handling Oscar to all his wins. He sure loves showing with you Pete! Oscar was bred by Catherine Verge and we are so proud of this puppy.

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