Sunday, March 10, 2019

New Canine Good Neighbour Title for Oscar

Today at the Scarborough Kennel Club dog show, CH Barbevoix Oscar de Northrock earned his CKC Canine Good Neighbour title and can now add the letters CGN after his name.  Thank you to his co-owner Nellemarie Hyde and her family for raising such a delightful dog.  He's always such a pleasure to be around!  Oscar was bred by Catherine Verge and we are so happy to share our lives with him.

Oscar is by Northrock's All Night Boogie and out of Barbevoix Spezia dit Holala

The Canine Good Neighbour title is earned when a dog passes a non-competitive twelve step test that evaluates the dog's ability to perform basic exercises as well as demonstrate good manners in everyday situations. 

The handler and the dog must complete the following steps in order to pass the test:

  1. Accepting A Friendly Stranger
  2. Politely Accepts Petting
  3. Appearance and Grooming
  4. Out For A Walk
  5. Walking Through A Crowd
  6. Sit/Down On Command and Stay In Place
  7. Come When Called
  8. Praise/Interaction
  9. Reaction To A Passing Dog
  10. Reaction To Distractions
  11. Supervised Isolation
  12. Walking Through A Door/Gate

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